Our Breeding Program

Established in 2000 as Lilac Farms, New Horizon Farm LLC is a small, private Haflinger breeding farm located in central Michigan that is the product of a lifelong dream to breed, raise and train horses. We raise purebred, registered modern, refined, athletic Haflingers for sport and pleasure that descend from the strongest Austrian, German and Dutch bloodlines in the Haflinger breed. Horses bred by us can be found throughout the world—from coast to coast in the United States, including Alaska, in Mexico, and overseas in Italy and Australia, and have received the highest honors of Champion, Premium, Gold Premium and First Premium at Warmblood, breed and sport horse inspections throughout the country. As the breeders of the 2021 North American Stallion Sport Test Pony Champion (who was the first stallion of any breed to attend the new three-day format of the test), breeders of the 2019 USDF All-Breeds Awards Program Reserve Champion at first level open, owners of the first Haflinger stallion in history to ever attend the 30-Day North American Stallion Performance Testing for small horses/ponies, owners of the first and only Haflinger stallion in history to be fully approved for breeding into the top stud books of Westfalen, RPSI, Weser Ems and AHR, in addition to AHR,

the owners of the first stallion to receive all five stars in the American Warmblood Society Sporthorse Registry Five Star Program based on his performance and the performance of his offspring, owners of the first and only Haflinger mare in AHR history to achieve Supreme status through their inspection and classification program based on the results of her offspring at inspections, and as the 2017, 2016 and 2012 USEF Reserve Leading Breeder of Haflinger Dressage Horses, and 2015 and 2011 USEF Leading Breeder of Dressage Sport Horse Breeding Haflinger sport horses, our record proves that horses bred by us have the conformation, movement, athleticism, temperament, character, rideability and trainability to excel in sport horse performance disciplines against other breeds. Foals bred by us are handled daily from birth, have often been shown extensively, and receive age-appropriate training using natural horsemanship techniques. As a result, our Haflingers are well-mannered, well-trained and extremely sociable, both with humans and horses. We are blessed that all of our foals offered for sale have sold in utero since 2014.

New Horizons bred horses excel under saddle in dressage, combined training, and hunter under saddle. They consistently win top honors on-the-line at major shows throughout the United States, including breed shows and USDF/USEF rated shows, and at sport horse and Warmblood breed inspections, holding their own against other breeds! (Pictured at right, Reahna of Lilac Farms, bred by us and now owned by Dreamfield Manor Farm in Pennsylvania, excelling in dressage at first level with the potential to show FEI level.)

At New Horizons Haflingers, we focus on quality, not quantity. Specializing in young horses that are handled daily,we usually have young sport horse and breeding prospects available, and often have horses-in-training for sale or lease. Our goal is to raise well-trained, versatile horses that are respectful, trusting and easy to handle, and to place them in permanent homes. (Pictured at left is Romantique of Lilac Farms, bred by us, previously owned by Carol Kvignidal in California and shown at recognized shows at first level and at horse trials/lower level eventing on the west coast. Teake is now home with us and one of our special broodmares.)

It is important to us to match the right horse to the right person. If we do not have what you are looking for, we will refer you to someone who does. Since nearly all the horses we offer for sale were born and raised on our farm, we know their history as well as their genetic make up. In addition to receiving the utmost in service, you will also receive a packet with your purchase that includes medical and health-related history or your horse, photos from various stages of their life, copies of show records, and other pertinent information. We will also gladly serve as a resource to assist you as you plan for future shows and events, and (if you are unable to show your horse yourself), we will show horses purchased from us for you. (Pictured below, AHR GOLD classified Rosina of New Horizons as a yearling, bred by us and owned by Dreamfield Manor Farm in Pennsylvania, showing the same potential in dressage as her older siblings.)

A Tradition of Excellence!

We invite you to inquire about our services, including: stud services, horses for sale, payment plans, and our significant discounts for foals purchased in utero. For more information on in-utero foal purchases, please click here. We also offer several breeding discounts and breeders’ incentives to our clients. We are located in Bath, Michigan, 20 minutes Northeast of Michigan State University. Please feel free to contact us via e-mail at newhorizonshaflingers@gmail.com or by phone (b) 517 410 8000. Credit card payments through PayPal are also accepted.

Beginning in 2024 we test all of our young breeding stock for SCC and PSSM1.