Ria, now know as Roxy, owned and trained by Shelby Blades, made her USDF recognized show debut in Alaska at training level in June 2017, and made us all proud!! She won all six classes entered with scores to 72%, including Training Level T1 (69%) Suitability (67%), High percentage Intro SR, high percentage training level SR, and overall high percentage (73%). Her lowest score was a 65%. Roxy ended the year as the Alaska Dressage Association Champion at Training Level! Roxy is Stellar’s first offspring going under saddle and she made mom and dad proud!
We are so excited that Ria was approved for breeding and entered into the top mare book (Mare Book I) at the 2015 RPSI inspection in Michigan! Ria is Stellar’s first foal of breeding age to be presented to RPSI! Thus far, all of Stellar’s foals presented to RPSI have achieved Premium status, with several Golds and several silver, scores up to 8.2, and two site inspection Champion foals (with one placing first out of nine Warmblood and sport pony foals and her stablemate coming in second)!
The inspector commented on what a really attractive mare Ria was, with good Haflinger type and a very pretty face, long enough neck, nice shoulder, good lines and good conformation, solid enough bone, a nice canter, and how she tracks up nicedly with her hind end.
We are so very excited and proud of Ria for achieving high silver status with a score of 77 points at the 2015 AHR inspections! Ria is still maturing and growing, but had to be presented this year as she is heading to Alaska this September. She is Stellar’s first offspring presented for inspections, and we could not be more proud! She demonstrated her amazing movement inherited by her sire, as well as his strong back and hindquarter, and received a 9 in type as well!
Congratulations to Ressonance of New Horizons on her third place finish in a very competitive 2014 Dressage at Devon IBC class! Ria placed fourth in a very large (thirteen entries and extremely competitive class at the AHR National Futurity as well.
Ressonance is everything we could hope for with this cross! With exceptional breeding on both sides of the pedigree, this stunning filly is sure to follow in the footsteps of her athletic siblings! Her beautiful head and neck catch your attention right away, and she has excellent conformation and movement to go along with it! Her sire has passed on his powerful hindquarter to “Ria” and we fully expect her to excel in sport horse disciplines when the time comes! She is a very tall and leggy filly, @58 inches as a coming two-year-old, and we expect that she will mature at least 59″ or so.
Stellar’s first foal has arrived and she is a beautiful filly! Every bit as outstanding as her exceptional siblings, Ria is the tallest foal that Rosie has ever had, with an excellent hindquarter, long legs, a long well-set neck, and a beautiful refined dished head like her gold sister Rosina! We couldn’t be happier with Stellar’s first foal and with this cross!
This typey filly is growing like a weed,and has amazing presence! Ria is something special and she knows it for sure! In addition to her outstanding conformation, Ria has inherited her sire’s powerful, movement, and has the amazingly sweet temperament that both her parents are known for. Ria will be show at USDF dressage sport horse breed shows this summer and at the AHR Futurity in the fall.